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Faculty of Engineering Bar-Ilan University
Email: ofir.lindenbaum "at" biu.ac.il
I am a senior lecture (assistant professor) at Bar Ilan University, Faculty of Engineering. I completed a Postdoc at Yale University in the applied math department, working with Prof. Ronald Coifman and Prof. Yuval Kluger. I completed my Ph.D. at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tel Aviv University, under the supervision of Prof. Arie Yeredor and Prof. Amir Averbuch. My research is primarily focused on developing novel machine learning methods for scientific discovery. My interest includes computational biology, signal processing, music, and audio analysis, manifold learning, spectral methods for data mining, and dimensionality reduction.

Locally Sparse Networks for Interpretable Predictions J. Yang*, O. Lindenbaum*, Y. Kluger.
L0-Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis O. Lindenbaum, M. Salhov, A. Averbuch, Y. Kluger.
Differentiable Unsupervised Feature Selection based on a Gated Laplacian
O. Lindenbaum*, U. Shaham*, J. Svirsky, E. Peterfreund, Y. Kluger.​​​
* indicates equal contribution​
Histopathologic and Machine Deep Learning Criteria to Predict Lymphoma Transformation in Bone Marrow Biopsies L. Irshaid, J. Bleiberg, E Weinberger, J. Garritanod, R. M. Shallis, J. Patsenker, O. Lindenbaum, Y. Kluger, S. G. Katz, M. L. Xu Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 2021.
Detecting regions of differential abundance between scRNA-seq datasets J. Zhao, A. Jaffe, H. Li, O. Lindenbaum, X. Cheng, R. Flavell, Y. Kluger. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences (PNAS), 2021.
Kernel-based parameter estimation of dynamical systems with unknown observation functions O. Lindenbaum*, A. Sagiv*, G. Mishne, R. Talmon Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2021.
Randomly Aggregated Least Squares for Support Recovery O. Lindenbaum, S. Steinerberger. Elsevier Journal of Signal Processing, 2020.
Alignment free identification of clones in B cell receptor repertoires O. Lindenbaum, N. Nouri, Y. Kluger, S. H. Kleinstein. Nucleic Acid Research (NAR), 2020.​
The Spectral Underpinning of word2vec A. Jaffe, Y. Kluger, O. Lindenbaum, J. Patsenker, E.Peterfreund, S. Steinerberger. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2020.
LOcal Conformal Autoencoder for standardized data coordinates E. Peterfreund*, O. Lindenbaum*, F. Dietrich, T. Bertalan, M. Gavish, I. G. Kevrekidis, R. R. Coifman. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences (PNAS), 2020.
Gaussian Bandwidth Selection for Manifold Learning and Classification O. Lindenbaum, M. Salhov, A. Yeredor, A. Averbuch. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2020.
Array-Based Earthquakes-Explosion Discrimination Using Diffusion Maps Y. Bregman, O. Lindenbaum, N. Rabin. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2020.
Multiview diffusion maps O. Lindenbaum, A. Yeredor, M Salhov, A. Averbuch. Information Fusion, 2020.
Seismic Event Discrimination Using Deep CCA O. Lindenbaum, N. Rabin, Y. Bregman, A. Averbuch. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019
Multi-view kernel consensus for data analysis and signal processing M. Salhov, O. Lindenbaum, Y. Aizenbud, A. Silberschatz, Y. Shkolnisky, A. Averbuch. Applied and Computational Harmonics Analysis (ACHA), 2019.
Multi-View Kernels for Low-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Events O. Lindenbaum, Y. Bregman, N. Rabin, A. Averbuch. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), 2018.
Earthquake-explosion discrimination using diffusion maps N. N. Rabin, Y. Bregman, O. Lindenbaum, Y. Ben-Horin, A. Averbuch. Geophysical Journal International 207 (3), 1484-1492, . 2016
Musical key extraction using diffusion maps O. Lindenbaum, A. Yeredor, Y. Cohen. Signal Processing 117, 198-207, 2015.
Blind Separation of Orthogonal Mixtures of Spatially-Sparse Sources with Unknown Sparsity Levels and with Temporal Blocks O. Lindenbaum, A. Yeredor, R. Vitek, M. Mishali. Journal of Signal Processing Systems 79 (2), 167-178, 2015.
Variational Diffusion Autoencoders with Random Walk Sampling H. Li*, O. Lindenbaum*, X. Cheng, A. Cloninger. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020.
Feature selection using Stochastic Gates Y.Yamada*, O.Lindenbaum*, S. Negahban, Y. Kluger. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2020.
Geometry-Based Data Generation O. Lindenbaum*, Jay S. Stanley III*, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2018. (spotlight ~4% acceptance rate) .
Multi-channel fusion for seismic event detection and classification O. Lindenbaum, N. Rabin, Y. Bregman, A. Averbuch. IEEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering (ICSEE), 2016.
Clustering Based on MultiView Diffusion Maps O. Lindenbaum, A. Yeredor, A. Averbuch. IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2016.
Bandwidth selection for kernel-based classification O. Lindenbaum, A. Yeredor, A. Averbuch. IEEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering (ICSEE), 2016.
Multi-view kernel-based data analysis A. Averbuch, M. Salhov, O. Lindenbaum, A. Silberschatz, Y. Shkolnisky. IEEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering (ICSEE), 2016.
Learning coupled embedding using multiview diffusion maps O. Lindenbaum, A. Yeredor, M. Salhov. International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, 2015.
Blind separation of spatially-block-sparse sources from orthogonal mixtures O. Lindenbaum, A. Yeredor, R. Vitek, M. Mishali. IEEE. International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), 2013.
Musical features extraction for audio-based search O. Lindenbaum, S. Maskit, O. Kutiel, G. Nave. IEEE 26th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI), 2010.
I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to get in touch with any questions or comments and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
ofir.lindenbaum 'at' yale.edu